Gryphon All Share Tracker comment - Fund Manager Comment05 Feb 2015
The Fund makes use of equities to ensure that it achieves its objective of tracking the index. The Fund, due to its tracker mandate, tends to be fully invested in equities more often than not, and is only slightly tilted to certain sectors and shares so as to achieve the most efficient replication of the SA All Share Index. The Fund is valued daily at 15h00. Instructions must reach us before 11h30 to ensure same day value processing.
Investors seeking diversified exposure to the South African equity market. The Fund is ideal for creating a core equity component to any investor’s portfolio; to which higher risk equity portfolios can be added.
The investment objective is to earn a total compound annual return equal to the total return of the South African All Share Index after accounting for all costs and fees related to the management of the portfolio benefitting investors over the long term and complying with all statutory requirements.
Management Company Switched - Official Announcement05 Feb 2015
The Gryphon funds switched Management Company from Coris Capital Collective Investment Managers Ltd. to Gryphon Collective Investments (RF) (Pty) Ltd. on 02 Jan 2015