Fund Name Changed - Official Announcement07 Apr 2020
The Gryphon Flexible Fund of Funds will change it's name to Gryphon Flexible Fund, effective from 07 April 2020
Mandate Overview19 Feb 2020
The primary objective of the fund is to generate real (afterinflation) wealth for investors at lowest possible cost, with due cognizance of risk and, in particular, secular downside risk. This is achieved by consistently producing real returns and longterm capital growth through maximum exposure to equities (the asset class of choice over the long-term to protect investors against inflation) during bull markets, while minimising exposure to equities in secular bear markets. Although this portfolio aims to limit downside risk over the medium to long term, investors should be able to withstand capital volatility in the short term; the fund may produce negative returns in extreme years, albeit at a lower level than a fund that is only invested in shares. The recommended investment term is three years and longer.