Malcolm Holmes (B Com Econ (Hons), CFA) Malcolm Holmes has 11 years investment experience and has been a portfolio manager in his own right, which makes him the perfect candidate to oversee the evaluation of the underlying managers and their portfolios. As the head portfolio manager, Malcolm is the key person responsible for product development and design at STANLIB Multi-Manager. He is responsible for ensuring that our products meet their investment objectives and that the underlying managers meet their mandates.
Richo Venter (BCom(Hons) (cum laude), CFA) Richo transferred to the Multi-Manager Research and Development Team from within STANLIB. He started his career at STANLIB as a Portfolio Compliance Manager before starting and heading up the STANLIB Implementation Team. The team subsequently merged into the STANLIB Risk, Analytics and Implementation Team and his role broadened to include risk management and analytical related responsibilities. Prior to STANLIB, Richo worked within the Collective Investments Schemes Department at the Financial Services Board. He started his career in 2004 at Life Healthcare as an Information Analyst.